Dub Pistols
The Dubs may have had an easier ride of it if they’d been a cartoon band like Gorillaz. There wouldn’t have been assorted band member casualties along the way, for starters, as life on the road took its toll. The multi-cultural collective has involved dozens of artists and musicians over the years — some remaining for years, a few for the duration, and others just popping in for a guest appearance. Their sound has accordingly morphed a variety of times since their inception: taking in dub, punk, jungle, ska, breakbeat, hip-hop and a whole lot more, it’s been a long road travelled.
Throughout an eight-album career and literally thousands of shows, the band has rolled with the punches — enduring setbacks and fuck-ups before piecing themselves back together and morphing into one of the most loved and enduring festival bands on the circuit. Hardest-working band in showbiz doesn’t even cover it.
Fast-forward to 2022 and the Dubs are celebrating 25 years of riotous mayhem and righteous marauding with a new album, a documentary, another festival, and a whole lot more. It’s their Silver Jubilee — 25 not out. But who’s counting?
With support from...
A one man army, uncategorised and uncharted. A blur of buttons and sweat. Powerful walls of grooving, dirty electronica and a whirlwind of energy walk a fine line between 90’s dance, electro-rock and alt-blues.
Created live and direct with loopers and samples, Funke and the Two Tone Baby sets the bar of how much sound a one-man band can produce, as fat dance beats and filthy synth basslines are juxtaposed by a beaten up blues guitar, sing-along anthems and glitchy harmonica. Layered songs of positivity and social harmony mesh perfectly with compulsive dance grooves and infectious riffs.
Event: Friday 22 March, 8:00pm
Bar open: 7:00pm
Ticket: £20 advanced / £22 OTD