Professor Slug’s House of Bugsis a show all about bugs. Professor Slug is an eccentric expert on invertebrates who helps bugs out with their buggy problems – and you can too!
Get as strong as an ant! Teach a bee how to buzz! And help a dung beetle make apology perfume for its big date...The House of Bugs is fully booked with all sorts of bugs seeking help from ProfessorSlug and his fellow bug experts (that’s you, the audience!) But can all these buggy problems be solved before the Queen Bee arrives, or will a swarm of honey-hungry wasps wreak havoc?
From the co-creator of the award-winning one Duck Down (★★★★★ FamiliesEdinburgh)
this interactive show is packed full of colourful puppets, catchy songs, and educational info about the wonderful world of bugs.
The puppets are designed by Georgia Hill (CBeebies)with music written by CatrionaGisby (Elle & the Pocket Belles).
Event: Saturday 18 February 2:00pm
Tickets: £8 / £28 for a family of four